Drummond Castle Gardens Charity Open Day
Sunday 5th August 2018 at 1.00p.m.
Drummond Castle Gardens Annual Charity Fête is being held on Sunday 5 August at 1pm, with a programme of events ending at approximately 4.30pm.
As well as the regular entertainments of Comrie Pipe Band, Scottish Country Dancing from the RSCDS, music from Brass Central and the Turleum Twirlstars, there will also be displays from Saltire Gundogs. Along with the ever popular Guess the Weight of the Lamb and Buzz Off there are a number of sporting challenges including the Ducking Stool, Splatboard, Archery, Beat the Goalie and many other stalls and activities.
Excellent afternoon teas are provided by Muthill W.R.I. One of the highlights of the day is the excellent prize draw, featuring generous gifts donated by many local companies.
Admission charges are £4 for Adults, £3 for Senior Citizens, £2 for Children or £10 for Family Ticket (2 Adults and up to 3 Children).
As part of Scotland’s Gardens, the proceeds go to the following Charities:-
The British Limbless Ex-Servicemen’s Association
The Maggie’s Cancer Care Services
The Queen’s Nursing Institute, Scotland
The Gardens Fund of the National Trust for Scotland
For further information please contact: M Aldridge, Drummond Estate Office, MUTHILL – 01764 681257