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Drummond Castle Gardens is one of Europe's and Scotland's most important and impressive formal gardens. Located in Perthshire near Crieff, it dates back to the 17th Century. The gardens were redesigned and terraced in the 19th Century. The formal gradens that you see today were replanted in the 1950s but preserve many of the original features, the ancient yew hedges and the remaining beech tree planted by Queen Victoria, commemorating her visit in 1842. The Formal Gardens have featured in many films and adverts, most notably in the United Artist feature film Rob Roy. Visitors are welcome to visit the gardens, although the castle remains closed to the public.
Drummond Castle Gardens, Drummond, Perthshire, Scotland, Crieff, Gardens, Formal Gardens, Yew hedges, Formal Planting, Historic Gardens, Quenn Victoria, visitors, tourism, History, Film, Film location, Topiary, Acer, Maples, Sundial
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Here is our Address

Drummond Gardens






Phone: +44 (0) 1764 681433



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We have found that the most helpful postcode to use for SAT NAV equipment is




This should direct you to the main gates and the signposts on the A822.
Coach drivers, campervans and large vehicles should note that they must follow the signs marked ‘coaches’ to a different entrance gate. The main gates are not suitable for large vehicles. The what3words reference for coach entrance is ///isolating.unleashed.straddled

Approaching from England on the A9. After leaving the Dunblane roundabout on the A9, folllowing the signs for Perth you will see a large BROWN TOURIST SIGNPOST. This includes information about Drummond Gardens and the sign will direct you off the A9 at Greenloaning. Stay on this road (it’s a very picturesque drive) until you have entered the small village of Muthill. Keep on the main road and the entrance to the gardens is on your left.

If you have the what3words app use the following



Arriving by Public Transport

The best way to find out how to reach us is to use Travel Line Scotland. The link gives times from Crieff but you can search from other departure points too.

If you are arriving by coach you will see signs directing coaches to a special entrance. The first sign is visible near the turning for Muthill Golf Club.